導航:首頁 > 抵押擔保 > 他們經常去看電影嗎的英語


發布時間:2024-04-25 08:52:45

Ⅰ 初一人教 句子翻譯

1.What kind film are you fond of?
2.What kind film does she like to watch? She likes to look at action movie.
3.Do you want to go to see a movie? Yes, I think of.
4.Does he want to go to see a movie? He does not think of.
5.She goes to see a movie often with her friend.

6.My most delighted actor is Tom.

7.He is fond of actor Bob , he is fond of his film really.

8.This is very successful documentary of a volume, but I think that it is very not yet amusing.
9.A piece of very excited thing: He is fond of a Beijing opera.

10.He goes to watch a Beijing opera often on on the weekend.

11.The Tom father is fond of comedy neither.

12.I am fond of thriller movie, but I am not fond of comedy.

13.Tina is not fond of action movie and thriller movie.

14.He is not fond of a Beijing opera, but he is fond of a documentary.

15.She is fond of thriller movie , she feels they are amusing.

16.He is not fond of a Beijing opera , he feels very ll.

17.He thinks that he can arrive at many things from Chinese history middle school.

18.A few people are not fond of a Beijing opera , he regards it being amusing but.

1.What is your mother able to make? She may swim for.

2.What club do you want to join?

3. I want to join the basketball club.

4.What club does Jim want to join?

5.He wants to join the swim club.

6.May you say English? Meeting, but meeting one point.

7. What is he able to act as? He may play the piano.

8.My younger sister may pluck the guitar, but fluffing no very good.

9. Are you able to help the children to swim for?

10.Our arts festival needs to help.

11.Call 622-6033 for Zhang Li please.

12.They are that rock and roll team wants three musicians.

13.Can I know your name?

14.Do you have the electron mailbox?

15. Come to participate in our activity.

1.When does he have a breakfast generally?

2.She takes a bath for generally on the eight o'clock.

3.He brushes the teeth, and then goes to bed.

4. Her job is very longtime.

5.Having a breakfast now be a what comical time!

6.Behind breakfast, she plays the piano, and then goes and going to work.

7. For going and going to work, he takes 1 road bus to get rid of a hotel.

8.People likes to listen to him sing on the evening.

9.His bell the about 7 o'clock goes home, and then watches TV.

10.Can you think what his job is?

11.Thank you for incoming letter.

12.Do you want to know my family?

13.The school bell at 9 o'clock begins to give lessons.

14.Write a letter informing me of the discipline about that you like it most please.

15.Invite the fleetness reply, and inform my of the condition studying about you.

1.What is your most delighted subject?

2.What is the most delighted motion of Lili?

3.His most delighted film is comedy.

4.Today is on November 11 , on Friday.

5.The mathematics is very difficult, but amusing.

6.My final lesson is 4:00 in the afternoon.

7.Whom is your most delighted teacher?

8.That the teacher demands to me is very strict.

9. I often watch TV in the evening.

10.In every day after school, we kick two hours of football.

11.Do you go to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening in every day?

12.He helps me to learn English generally.

13.What is your most delighted younger sister colour?

14.The most delighted day of Tom is Friday, because of he has the fine arts to levy.

15.She is fond of playing with her puppy.

16.Why are you fond of natural science?

17.Because the biological energy source messenger people loosens , I like it.



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